Vaccine mandates #2

 I find myself taking a position in favor a paternalistic approach. I am pretty far left on the spectrum since I support the use of mandates, such as vaccine and mask mandates in order to promote the common good. It is essential for the government to step in and require everyone to help play their role in stopping the spread of viruses. I believe that during pandemics, such as COVID 19, it is necessary for the government to act as a parents as many people act like children and refuse to do the "right" thing. For example, many people refused to get vaccinated or wear masks because of their political views. In times when people put themselves over the common good I believe it is the government's job to step in and limit their freedom in order to do what is in the best interest of everyone. The biggest weakness in my argument is that vaccine mandates may not always be in the benefit of the people because some believe there are adverse effects from them. If these vaccines can end up having negative effects on people later on, then the government should not be allowed to force people to get vaccinated and suffer from long term effects. However, through further research I will explore whether or not the possibility of these adverse effects outweighs the government's duty to act as a parent. 

Biden administration appeals judge's blocking of COVID vaccine mandate
