organ transplant #2

 From my research on the topic I realized that it is pretty obvious that gaming the organ transplant waiting list is pretty unethical. In order to create a more complex argument, I will further my research on the role of the hospitals and organ allocation organizations. I will research how organizations try to prevent doctors from manipulating the waiting list and how they enforce their rules. The responsibilities of the organ allocation organizations to those waiting for organs conflict with the doctors' responsibilities to their own patients. I believe the rights of the organizations handling organ donations outweigh those of the doctor because the system is responsible for many lives that are waiting on the list for an organ. 

How the four pillars factor in this topic: 

justice - system needs to make sure that it is working fairly in who gets the organ and when. 

beneficence - system needs to do good and ensure they save the most lives possible

non-maleficence - doctors aren't increasing treatment and killing or causing harm to the patient

autonomy - rights of the patients are respected; doctors inform patients about new treatments and possible consequences 
