
Showing posts from September, 2022

vaccine mandates #1

For my topic, I would like to explore vaccine mandates and the viewpoints of those that are supporters and opponents of vaccine mandates. This issue has become very controversial in recent years with COVID-19 and the global pandemic. Supporters of vaccine mandates argue that they are necessary because it is for the common good and benefits everyone involved. This argue they are important in order to protect those that are more susceptible to viruses, such as COVID-19. On the other hand, opponents argue that these mandates impede on individual autonomy over their own body. They argue that if the government is able to mandate vaccines they will be able to continue to expand their power over the people. Many people that refuse to get mandatory vaccines do so due to religious, medical, or personal reasons. Opponents to vaccine mandates also believe that these vaccines can be harmful and have detrimental effects on those that receive them. However, supporters argue that science has proved t

Grey's Anatomy #2

A new idea that I want to explore in the characters of Grey's Anatomy is how much they have to sacrifice or risk for their job. As doctors that are on call, many of these doctors are tired and do not get enough sleep for a few days. They sacrifice their own well being for the well being of their patients. These doctors are also willing to risk their jobs for their patients, especially when they act against the laws or rules of the hospital in an attempt to do good for their patients.  Another new idea is the conflict between forming relationships with patients and being professional. A lot of the time, the doctors in the series build strong bonds with their patients. This sometimes clouds their judgement and leads them to act off their emotions instead of facts. Furthermore, this struggle between empathy and professionalism is seen in Meredith Grey and Richard Webber. As a young intern, Meredith tends to have a soft spot for all her patients making her willing to break the rules mo

Grey’s Anatomy #1

 I have watched the first 15 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. This show has an ensemble cast in which we get to see romantic relationships as well as the power dynamic and relationship between interns, residents, and attending doctors. In this series, the doctors go above and beyond to help their patients, even if it means breaking the rules or laws. For example, the main character, Meredith Grey alters a clinical drug trial by switching a patient’s drug from placebo to experimental. She does this to help a patient receive an actual treatment that could possibly cure her instead of wasting time on a placebo drug. In another instance, multiple doctors help a man afford surgery and treatment for his daughter by committing insurance fraud. These doctors are willing to sacrifice their job in order to help their patients. They display values such as empathy, compassion, and selflessness. As one of the most successful series, Grey’s Anatomy has influenced pop culture and now we expect medical prof

Practice post

 This is my dog, Loki.